Monday, April 20, 2015

The Fallacy of Facebook.

Facebook has become a place where we can pretend to be who we wish we were. Good parents, the perfect couple, world travelers, artists, activists, feminists, animal rights activists, athletes. Social media in general is a blessing and a curse, it’s addictive, its corruptive and its 90% bullshit. The thin fabric of self reassurance through lies -  if you post it then it must be true. We won’t change the world through Facebook, we cant raise our children through Facebook, we aren’t going to change anyones political views, I can barely use Facebook to share a blog! 

For a long time I avoided all social media, it was overwhelming and narcissistic in my mind. It hasn’t taken long for the bitterness and empty time wasting suckage that is Facebook, to creep back into my world. Maybe that makes me a hypocrite, using Facebook to share my blog with an article about the fallacy of Facebook… Maybe. I like the irony of it though.

You should be who you are, do what makes you happy, be a good person regardless of who’s watching. Stop worrying so much about capturing the photo of the moment just being in the moment should be enough. It’s sad that we need all that attention and praise, it must be lacking in our lives. What happened to us? Before 2004 what did we do with our time, how did we share our vacation photos and did we take photos of our lunch? The next time you are about to share a post on Facebook, ask yourself does anyone care? Or what else could I be doing with my time right now? Write your own quotes, be a good friend or sister or parent or whatever you are, be it in real life, don’t let Facebook take over guys, we got this!

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