Sunday, March 22, 2015

Why you should listen to more Al Green.

 If you are part of the struggle that is dating, out there in the cold world trying to find “the one” I highly recommend listening to more Al Green, a lot more. His lyrics are beautiful, he preaches the meaning of love. Set your standards higher ladies, real men out there exist, you may have to wait it out a bit and he’s probably not on your Tinder app but that doesn’t mean he isn’t out there. It's not the worst thing in the world to be single, it just gives you more time to listen to Al Green. The words that bellow from the mouth of this man, love cannot have been created before him. 

don’t understand what the fuck makes us all so insecure these days but it's effecting our lives greatly. The careers we choose to follow, the partners we end up with, our daily fucking happiness and fulfillment! We don’t think were good enough, we are scared of the future, scared of having nothing and no one, so we hold on tight and work hard afraid that life will just slip away. Focusing so intently on one aspect of our lives and completely neglecting the other. Giving each other advise that we should be following ourselves, quit smoking and then gain a binge eating habit. Exchanging one addiction for the next, taking those that care for us, unconditionally, for granted, expecting everything when you are giving nothing. So terrified of your own thoughts you can’t be alone with them, the darkness creeps in and your ears start to bleed. Bending the truth and manipulating your perspective, distorting what you want and sacrificing what you care about because you don’t really even know what that is anymore. Wandering aimlessly, consumed with fear of yourself, you will never face it and will continue your life in costume. Dressed up and disguised as someone else, something people recognize and respect, defending your masked and made up beliefs. 

There is nothing wrong with you. Have you ever thought of that? Human needs are quite simple, we make things complicated for ourselves. Psychological, Safety, Love/Belonging, Esteem, and Self-Actualization according to Maslow’s theory. Psychological and self esteem needs must be met in order to graduate to our remaining level of needs. How can you love another if you do not love yourself? How can you treat another the way you want to be treated if you have low self esteem and treat yourself like shit? Spend more time on things that matter, such as your physical and mental well being, everything else will then fall into place. If you treat yourself and act like a queen then that’s how you will be treated and portrayed by others. Have some class, work hard, be worthy of great company and above everything else listen to more Al Green.

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