The roads are congested with ignorance.
Common sense does not apply.
My blood is too hot for this town.
My gut and my hands say to go.
Hollywood has peaked.
We’ve missed it.
There is no point in staying.
Washed up old soap opera actors,
Reality TV stars, Dub step,
And pop song remixes.
We live with the Justin Biebers.
Real art is far too outnumbered here.
Modesty doesn’t exist.
Shout your name from the rooftops.
You must.
And its true.
Just another freak in the freak kingdom.
This place is full of sociopaths,
Retired narcissistic rockstars who won’t quite let go.
Bragging and begging to be remembered and noticed.
So scared of being forgotten,
And they will.
Its sad really, you feel badly.
But only for a moment.
No one grows up.
No one grows old.
The only thing anyone is really good at,
Is thinking they are good at things.
She has the elements of a city,
Without the people of a city.
Entitlement radiating from the streets,
This desert heat making it stink.
Insecurities coming up through the gutters.
I have to get out before I’m buried in this waste.
I've Won the War
A female human being, expressed to me her desire to get an eyelash perm. What is an eyelash perm you ask? It is the process in which you pay a person to bend you eyelashes with chemicals, creating a semi permanent curled look. She explained to me that her eyelashes were just too straight, so she thought what the heck I’ll give it a try! I could tell she hadn’t done her research, she wasn’t even sure of the whole process. “They like put some glue or something and then the chemicals they use for a perm on you hair I guess….” The chemicals for perming your hair are made of - can also be used as a jewelry cleaner. You are going to risk your eyesight in order to have permanently curled eyelashes?
Electric perms, eyelash extensions, hair extensions, Botox, fucking eyelash perms! This world is too far gone, it can’t be saved its integrity has evaporated along with all the water in Los Angeles. If you try a little harder maybe your friends will like you more and your boyfriend wont look at other girls, MAYBE but only if you look perfect.
Los Angeles isn’t a place you get used to and it isn’t a place that takes you a while to settle into. It’s a place that defeats you, you’re still here after 8 miserable years because you’ve given up, you quit having feelings. I just can’t bring myself to understand the allure of this city, it’s a piece of shit that breeds ignorance, indifference, self involvement and low self esteem. To die in Los Angeles would truly be my worst nightmare. It’s exhausting, the mask you have to wear to fit in is too tight for my face. Stop trying so hard to be what you think they want, quit lying to yourself, you don’t even remember why you started this journey you’ve lost yourself in this city.
I refuse to waste anymore of my precious moments in this disgrace of a city. I’ve lost too much already, I have lost the battle but I will win the war.
Anger and frustration have faded into whiteness
Abandoned by hope.
Scraping and scratching at nothing with no results
Never felt quit so much nothing
Common decency, respect for other humans
Morales, etiquette, honesty.
Lost and forgotten
Living in a place full of mannequins
Returned to the factory for being defective
Have washed up on the shores of California
Somehow come to life and procreated
Nothing to stand for
Brain function limited
Driving around in a Leased Mercedez Benz
Unable to live and operate as a true human being
Yet no one will notice.
Keep them on the west coast
They can have it.